Saturday, July 21, 2012

Trial run...

Currently in Seattle - have brought Stewart down here to put him on the plane to his summer camp just outside Spokane. I thought this would be a good test run to try out the netbook as a tool for blogging while abroad. It is a very small computer and very light, so great to travel with, but the processing speed is abysmal. So long as I don't inadvertently launch some programme, this might actually be successful. The drive down was fairly easy, with mum and Kerry to help navigate, we found the hotel easily and went out for dinner at "California Pizza Kitchen". Guess whose idea that was. In any case, there were lots of items on the menu besides pizza, so we all ate well. Tomorrow we put the boy on the plane and then head out to do some shopping. No exciting travel photos as yet, so I will put up this recent knitting project.

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